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"The Internet of Food" will change our lives | Join the discussion

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"The Internet of Food" will change our lives | Join the discussion

As food is online, we will start realizing how important network design has become for our existence. The question “what’s for dinner?” will be replaced by “who decides what we eat?”. The Internet Society members, Johan Jörgensen, Michael Daun and Patrik Fältström, assure that this is the most profound question that the tech revolution has asked so far. That is the reason why they created a Special Interest Group on Internet of Food to focus on general discussions around the future infrastructure and standards for the digital world of food.

We have started a discussion that will hopefully lay a solid foundation for future digital infrastructure standards of the global food system. We participate in the development of the backbone protocols that will facilitate a free and transparent flow of information regarding an unlimited number of food objects, with an individual ID. The ultimate goal is to turn those discussions into operational technical standards that are incorporated in what is commonly known as ”the Internet”, thus making food digital on a global scale. A common infrastructure that takes into account the specific properties of food will facilitate openness and innovation and let us feed the planet in a healthy and sustainable way.

The Internet of Food theme has been laid on the table.
We need to ask ourselves “who decides what we eat”. Join the discussion now:



Produced by Nicoletta Metri

Music: LAKEY INSPIRED - Days Like These


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