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Food Fight: How Corporations Ruined Food (Food Industry Documentary) - Real Stories

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Food Fight: How Corporations Ruined Food (Food Industry Documentary) - Real Stories

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When we walk into a supermarket, we assume that we have the widest possible choice of healthy foods. But in fact, over the course of the 20th century, our food system was co-opted by corporate forces whose interests do not lie in providing the public with fresh, healthy, sustainably-produced food.

Fortunately for America, an alternative emerged from the counter-culture of California in the late 1960s and early 1970s, where a group of political anti-corporate protesters–led by Alice Waters–voiced their dissent by creating a food chain outside of the conventional system. The unintended result was the birth of a vital local-sustainable-organic food movement which has brought back taste and variety to our tables.

FOOD FIGHT is a fascinating look at how American agricultural policy and food culture developed in the 20th century, and how the California food movement has created a counter-revolution against big agribusiness.

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Content licensed from Cargo Film & Releasing. Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com

Produced by Chris Taylor


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